Breast Surgery


Breast augmentation surgery with silicone implants is known as breast augmentation. Patients who resort to this intervention, desire to have a bigger bust or because they need a breast reconstruction. This operation can be done after the age of 18.
In choosing breast implants, not only size is important, but proportions, shape and how the breasts will look after. Therefore, the initial consultation with the plastic surgeon is essential.


We mention that we apply the latest surgical techniques practiced in breast aesthetics worldwide, using the latest technology!
The operation takes place in an operating room with general anesthesia. Immediately after the operation you will be monitored in a special recovery room, the breasts will be bandaged with special dressings or bra.
  The surgical technique used for breast augmentation with silicone implants depends on the anatomical characteristics of each patient as well as considering the results you want.
The incision can be located in three different places: in the submammary groove, periareolar or in the armpit.


You will decide together with the plastic surgeon depending on: what you want, the proportions of your body: weight, height, chest width, but also the size of the breasts and the type of breast tissue.

Some women fit large sizes of silicones 600 ml - 700ml, and others smaller volumes, 180-250ml.

Round silicone breast implants (silicones) are still the most popular!

They give a "sensual" look and obviously due to the bulging shape of the breasts. The visual effect is pronounced, the breasts will be enlarged evenly like the "push up" effect.

You will be provided with special sizes (silicone samples) that you will wear in your bra so you will know how your future breasts will look and feel.
Anatomical implants give a natural look due to the "tear" shape. This irregular shape perfectly mimics the natural breast which is always filled and round at the bottom and slightly thin at the top.

Compared to the ‘tear’shapped breast implant, the round breast implant, the anatomical implant, whether small or large, naturally fills the neckline and the viewer has the feeling of a natural neckline.

There are many types of profiles and projections, from very low (3.3 cm) to very high (7.1 cm), adapted for each type of anatomical conformation, so it can even be appreciated that they are"

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