Hair Treatments




PRP Supported Hair Treatment

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a product obtained from your blood rich in trobocytes, growth factors and other cytokines, which have a concentration 3-5 times higher than in normal blood. When injected into the scalp this concentrate helps to quickly heal wounds and integrate and develop hair follicles. This is the main reason why the first results are seen in 3-4 months postoperatively. PRP treatment is included in the price of operations in our clinic, but it is also indicated for patients who do not have surgery.

Platelet-enriched plasma is a new therapy that allows the reuse of factors that help hair growth through the development of enzymes. It serves to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp and tissue regeneration, as it ensures the formation of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, increases vascularity in the follicle, providing excellent results in patients with alopecia.

Right after the procedure, a slight redness of the treatment area can be observed, but this reaction will disappear in a few hours.

PRP therapy is one of the most effective solutions to stop hair loss.

This method has generated incredible results, and its effects can be seen from the first month after the first PRP session.

The regenerative power of PRP is great both by stimulating stem cells and by directly inhibiting the pathogens that cause hair loss.

Therapy can also be used as a prevention in case of thin hair or that begins to fall out more than usual, and helps to thicken the hair.

The ideal is to perform a series of therapies at least 5 PRP because each session brings an input to the root of the hair and helps to regenerate the tissue


Mesotherapy is a non-surgical dermatocosmetic procedure, which involves injecting mixtures of pharmacologically active substances into the mesoderm (middle layer of the skin) - the place where the most important biological processes of the skin take place. The substances used in the therapy are introduced locally, in small quantities, with the help of very thin needles or with the help of devices. The therapy is minimally invasive and not too painful when injected locally and completely harmless when using “needle-free” devices. Usually the mesotherapy session does not exceed 30-45 minutes, and the effects become visible depending on each patient. On average, the first improvements that the patient observes appear after 2-3 sessions of mesotherapy, in general, it takes 4-6 sessions to observe an obvious effect.

Your hair needs Amino acids, nucleic acids, antioxidants and coenzymes in order to grow beautifully. In the case of a healthy diet, your hair will not suffer, but the problem occurs when you are already on the verge of a vitamin deficiency.Non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment involves direct injection of necessary substances in the areas suffering from hair loss.It is a perfectly personalized cocktail, which can contain vitamins, vasodilators for a better circulation, bioactive substances, minerals, amino acids, all ideally suited to your needs.

The effects? First of all, the circulation in the scalp is stimulated, the phenomenon of hair loss is diminished or even stopped, and the regeneration of the cuticle is accelerated. In the long run, the hair regains its density and body, and the hair thickens and restores its structure, as the scalp is oxygenated, which will stimulate hair growth.

It is recommended that after the mesotherapy session against hair loss not to wash your head, or to dye and avoid using styling products for a few days. Specialists also recommend that you stay away from the sauna and stop intense sports activities for a few days.

Active Regeneration

A growth factor is a chemical compound, most often of a polypeptide orsteroid, capable of inducing cell growth, proliferation, regeneration, or celldifferentiation phenomena.

Growth factors often act as intracellular signaling molecules, examplesbeing cytokines and hormones, which bind to specific receptors on thesurface of target cells. They induce differentiation and cell maturation, butthe process depends on each factor. For example, epidermal growthfactor (EGF) induces osteogenic differentiation, while fibroblast andvascular endothelial growth factors induce angiogenesis.

Active Regeneration is the clinical application of regenerative proceduresusing healthy hair cells from the same patient to improve affected areas.Active Regeneration relies exclusively on its ability to produce healthy hairfollicles by "triggering" areas of poor hair growth on the patient's scalp.

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